Before the live at Los Angeles on [Yellow Gold Tour 3010]
which took place in Five major cities as Chicago,
San Francisco, Houston, Los Angeles, and New York.
Jin Akanishi kindly answered to the questions from readers of POPJNEO.
- There are only two lives left for [Yellow Gold Tour 3010].
Totally you had to perform in five places but how have you been doing so far, not exhausted?
Jin Akanishi(J): Not at all. I’m totally fine so far.
- I found out the rave from your fans about your live performance.
What do you think of it yourself?
J:This is not done yet, so, I’m hesitant to say anything
about this whole tour. But, it’s been so much fun.
- Is there anything you pay particular attention to during the tour?
There must be some major differences between tours in Japan and U.S.,
for instances, languages, customs, and etc.
J: Not much that I can think of. I feel the same as I do in Japan, I think.
- Japanese talent tends to wear many huts like an actor, artist, singer and so forth.
And it’s the same for you, what is the biggest interest forward?
J:Of course, I’m interested in singing and music in general.
I’m also interested in acting as well.
- Do you mean acting in U.S.?
J:I would love to if I have a chance.
- Now, let me dare to ask if you’re shifting your focus of your activity to the US?
J:Well, yes and no. (laugh) I’d like to continue to be based in Japan for now,
but I wish to look at the rest of the world too.
- So, what is the most interesting or remarkable music for you now?
J:Generally speaking, I like Hip-Hop music. That would never change.
- Do you have some artists whom you want to collaborate with?
J: Oh, yeah, quite a few.
- Could you name some?
J:Lil’ Wayne, Gary Wilson, Nick Minaj… there are many indeed.
- This is a question asked by one of your fans.
This person wants to become an artist like you, and seeking advice from you.
If you can advise just only one, what would that be?
J: Really?! I don’t think I’m in such a position…
- Yes, you surely are! Please, try speaking it up.
J:Advise.. humm… Listen to music a lot. You must love music.
- Amongst number of cities you know in the US, which city do you find most attractive?
J: It depends on what I would do, but I guess it doesn’t matter where I am.
- Can I ask you for any messages to your fans in US?
J: I hope you’d keep supporting me as you’ve been doing.
- Please say something to fans in Japan.
J: It’d be the same, But I hope you all would keep supporting me as you’ve been doing!
- Finally, there are only few more days left in this year 2010,
could you say something about yourself toward the next year?
J: (deep thought) Future of me…? Hey, it’s me.
Do you remember? - This is me from that time.
Should you have any questions about Jin Akanishi, POPJNEO forum accepts them anytime.
He may be answering your question on his next interview!