Q:Before you shoot this film,
are you familiar with the 忠臣蔵's story?
Jin:I have no idea of this story.
But with great to, a great chance for me
being this movie to know the Japanese culture.
Q:And in the end of the movie,
you are the only one who surviving in the 47RONIN.
But it's based on the real history, it's different.
Do you like the difference?
Because you don't need to die.
Jin:We actually shot two versions of it.
Me dying version, and surviving version.
And they picked up the surviving version.
And I'm really happy to survive.
Q:Because you survive, you can keep your father's honor.
And in the real life,
did you do something to fight for your honor or reputation?
Jin:Mmm...that's a good question.
I'm still learning this kind of such...
So I might have to skip this question.
Q:So what is the hardest part to do this one?
Jin:I think it was sword fighting.
It's pretty difficult for me.
I dance, but it's completely different move.
So, it was hard to learn.