(In Vitenam, they called Jin is the hottest singer in Japan.)
Wow, really?
Jin:Wow, that's good. It's great!
So, singing and acting which one do you like most?
Jin:I like both. I can't choose one.
Jin:It's great honor for me to be a part of it.
One of the best chances I have had in my life.
Like I'm Chikara in the movie...
Not only they(Jin's fans) like this movie.
So I'm really excited that this movie is coming out in Vietnam.
(In the movie, what do you like most?)
Jin:The beautiful picture,
and the gorgeous CG computer graphic,
Keanu and kimono.
Samurai, being a samurai.
It's really rare.
He(Chikara) is the only survivor.
Maybe his character developed the next generation.
And me I'm the person only...
I wish I could build up the next generation.
I'm happy to survive in this movie.
(You're very lovely in the movie, too.)
Jin:Me? Thank you very much.
It's very exciting movie.
We all made it a new type,action slush,
fantasy movie with gorgeous picture
and amazing casts.
I hope that you can enjoy it.
Have a good Christmas.