
Jin Akanishi’s US debut album Japonicana 
releases today (March 6th) on iTunes US 
and in stores everywhere. If the ticket sales 
for his Japonicana Tour were anything 
like his Yellow Gold Tour, chances are 
they would be hard to get.

On the day I was to have telephone interview with Jin 
in Los Angeles (I’m in Toronto), President Obama 
had clogged up the traffic to the studio, thus delaying 
our interview for almost an hour. And despite him only having 
30 minutes before his next schedule, he was nice enough 
to squeeze a small chat with me in where I congratulated him 
on his recent marriage to Meisa Kuroki and asked 
a couple of questions about his US debut.

Describe your album, Japonicana.

Japonicana…It’s Japan and America and Latin…
They use “ah” sound for female and “oh” sound for male—
The album is a girl … It has all different types of music…
Most of the songs are dancey kind of poppy music…
There are no ballads, but I have R&B …I have 3 songs 
written by Stereotypes (producer)…And half the album I wrote.

What challenges did you anticipated/ expect going 
from one market (Japan) to another (US)? 
Where there any that were unexpected?

I just kept an open mind and didn’t expect anything. 
When I was a kid, my mom loves American music 
and she played music everyday. I grew up with it. 
She loves Diana King and listened to all the hits, Top 40s. 
I don’t really remember (other artists) because I was little. 
America shared it’s music with me. 
And now I want to share my music with America.

Thoughts on other Asian artists making their US debuts.

Girls Generation? The Korean group? They’re doing good. 
I never heard of their songs, but I heard they’re doing good. 
I’m happy for other Asians who are doing well in America.

What can we look forward to in your concerts?

A lot of dancing … good energy … drink alcohol. *Laughs*


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