Jin Akanishi’s number one single “Eternal”
will be re-released in an a cappella version,
and a portion of the sales will be donated
to earthquake victims in Japan, r
eports Mainichi Shimbun and CD Journal today.
It has been reported music download sites
like Rekochoku and Dwango will release
the a cappella version of the song, accompanied with
a mobile phone wallpaper of the singer, on May 8 for 210 yen.
For every download, 100 yen will be donated to Tohoku
earthquake victims as part of Johnny’s Marching J Project.
The single is expected to draw attention to people
looking for the right “Mother’s Day” gift,
and will be able to be downloaded until May 31.
“Eternal” was Akanishi’s debut solo single,
and had sold more than 200,000 copies
in its opening week in March this year.
To date, more than 300,00 copies have been sold.