Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine
Tuesday, 27 April, 2010, time 10.40 AM
Film director: Takeshi KOBAYASHI
Year: 2010
Running time: 119'
Country: Japan
Bandage is directed by music producer Kobayashi Takeshi,
but thematically and stylistically much of it
belongs to scriptwriter and producer Iwai Shunji.
A leading director of the 1990s New Wave,
whose breakthrough was the hit 1995 romantic drama Love Letter,
Iwai had a knack for capturing every tremor of his heroine's emotions
with his jittery camerawork and offbeat editing rhythms.
But he has not directed a feature film since the 2004 youth drama Hana & Alice,
though he has produced several, as well as made a 2006 documentary
on director Ichikawa Kon and contributed to the 2009 omnibus New York, I Love You.
Halfway, a 2008 film about a troubled teen romance that
Iwai produced and Kitagawa Eriko directed also had Iwai's signature touches,
from its lyrical shot-making to its deep identification
with its flighty-but-stubborn heroine, played by Kitano Kie.
She also stars in Bandage, again as a high school girl,
but one whose coming-of-age ordeals unfold almost entirely off-campus,
in the band scene of the early 1990s. An indie band, Lands,
is on the verge of making it big when two friends -
Asako (Kitano) and Miharu (Anne) - see them perform at a club.
The girls are enthralled, especially by moody lead singer Natsu (Akanishi Jin).
When they are miraculously invited to a post-concert party,
they are giddy with excitement - until the group's no-nonsense manager,
Yukari (Ito Ayumi), tells them to beat it after one drink. Undiscouraged,
Asako becomes a hard-working, much-put-upon assistant to Yukari,
who acknowledges her aptitude for the thankless job of managing a band,
while remaining wary of her motives. Asako's only real ally, in fact,
is the self-centered, if basically decent, Natsu, who stays friends
with her even after failing to make her his latest sexual conquest.
But his band mates regard her with barely disguised contempt.
So why does she do it? Instead of spelling out her reasons in blazing capitals,
like the typical Japanese teen drama, Bandage leaves them
as something of a mystery, even to Asako herself.
She keeps Natsu at arm's length - not as a sexual gambit,
but because she knows, instinctively, that giving in would short circuit all her dreams,
from the professional to the personal. At the same time,
she is an idealist and a fan, who admires Natsu's songwriting talent
and hates seeing his work commercialized. But the group, Natsu included,
is hungry for a hit, so they rework one of his songs with currently
marketable sounds and the result, a catchy J-pop number, soars to the top of the charts.
Fame proves to be fleeting, however, and Asako has more hard lessons
to learn about not only the music business but love. All this may sound bleak -
but the film also shows how the band trip can become so addictive,
from the adrenaline rush of the shows to the off-duty pleasures, sexual and otherwise.
Also, though Asako wears her emotions on her sleeve
(or rather on Kitano's mobile features), she is no frail reed. Instead,
she keeps plugging away, even after repeated insults and setbacks,
with a tenacity rare in a genre where heroines usually win out
because of their pure hearts, rather than their strong characters.
Also, the story is grounded in the actualities of a music scene that Iwai and Kobayashi,
who also collaborated on Iwai's 1996 hit SF drama Swallowtail know inside out.
Jin Akanishi, a singer with the pop unit KAT-TUN, is the real rock star deal as Natsu,
whose bubble of celebrity and self-regard seems less constructed than naturally grown,
like moss on a rock. The film though, belongs to Kitano,
a tiny girl with a huge heart and talent,
who makes most other teen idols look like grinning vacuums.
- Apr 18 Sun 2010 11:35
★ 仁~電影BANDAGEの義大利參展資訊